Look Good Feel Better is a free, national cancer support service, run by the Cancer Patients Foundation. The program has been designed to help cancer patients learn practical strategies to manage the physical, psychological and social impacts of cancer treatment.

Since the first workshop in Sydney in May 1990, more than 170,000 Australians undergoing cancer treatment across the country have benefitted from participating in the program.

Look Good Feel Better proudly educates and empowers women, men and teens undergoing any type of treatment for any type of cancer to help them face their diagnosis with confidence through:

Face-to-face workshops: Group workshops covering skincare techniques to address common side-effects like dryness and sun sensitivity; makeup tips to help correct and conceal redness, sallowness, pigmentation and dark circles as well as techniques for drawing on eyebrows; and advice on headwear including scarf styling and wig selection. Each participant receives a Confidence Kit full of skincare and cosmetic products donated by the cosmetic industry, to use as tools for application throughout the workshop, and for continued use at home.

Virtual workshops: Live and interactive online workshops offering practical strategies to manage the appearance-related side effects of treatment, and improve health, fitness, mobility and mental wellbeing from the comfort of home.

Home-Delivered Confidence Kits: Confidence Kits delivered directly to the homes of those cancer patients who are unable to participate in a Look Good Feel Better workshop for health, travel or personal reasons. They contain a range of skincare and cosmetic products, an instructional booklet, and links to our practical video guides.

The Look Good Feel Better program relies on the support of 800 trained professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to help deliver the program across Australia.

The Cancer Patients Foundation, responsible for running the Look Good Feel Better program, is an independent not-for-profit organisation, not affiliated with any other cancer charity or support service. With no government funding, the Cancer Patients Foundation relies on the generosity of corporate and community supporters to allow for the Look Good Feel Better program to be provided to cancer patients free-of-charge.

Workshops are strictly non-medical, product-neutral and non-commercial, which means that volunteers and participants may not promote their own products, manufacturers or businesses during workshops.

Each year, many of Accord’s cosmetic member companies provide support for Look Good Feel Better by donating skin-care and make-up products – allowing each workshop participant to receive a complimentary Confidence Kit.

Accord also supports Dream Ball, the cosmetic industry’s annual gala event that raises significant funds to enable Look Good Feel Better to keep doing its wonderful work.

For more information, visit www.lgfb.org.au





