There is no such thing as ‘out of sight, out of mind’ when it comes to flushing the wrong things.

WipeSmart is industry’s consumer education initiative to promote better use and disposal of wet wipes.

Overseas data shows that many wipes – including baby wipes, as well as other unsuitable items – are getting into the sewerage system.

Most wipes we use are designed for disposal via the bin. WipeSmart provides many timely reminders about what can go wrong if you flush the wrong types of wipes.

Where wipes are used—and what they are used for—can sometimes encourage flushing. Only wipes that pass the Australian/New Zealand Flushable Products Standard should be flushed. Not all wet wipes are the same!

See ‘Q&A on Flushable Products,’ prepared in conjunction with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) and the Australian Food & Grocery Council (AFGC), has more information on flushable wipes.