Accord hosts a number of seminars and technical training sessions throughout the year. See below for upcoming dates or take a look at some of our past events.
Canberra Day 2024: Bringing together Industry & Government
Industry Leaders’ Dinner
Wednesday 14 August, 7pm | The Boat House, Grevillea Park, Menindee Dr, Barton ACT 2600 – login to register
Canberra Day Seminar
Thursday 15 August, 9.00am | East Hotel, 69 Canberra Avenue, Kingston, ACT 2604 – login to register
A long-held and highly anticipated annual event, Canberra Day brings together government and industry for valuable updates and discussions on the policy and regulatory reform landscape affecting the hygiene, personal care and specialty formulated products industry that Accord represents.
Following the success of last year’s inaugural Industry Showcase, representatives from the hygiene, personal care and specialty products industry will once again showcase our industry to government as part of the Canberra Day Seminar. The Industry Showcase will provide our membership an opportunity to demonstrate the essentiality of our products across every facet of daily life, as well as our industry’s commitment to best practices and meaningful contributions on important social and environmental issues. It will also be a chance for industry to communicate some of the challenges facing companies doing business in Australia and is intended to facilitate open dialogue between government and industry to promote better mutual understanding.
Canberra Day, as in past years, will also include timely policy and regulatory updates from government for our industry. Government speakers include the heads of key regulatory agencies – APVMA (confirmed), the TGA (confirmed), AICIS (confirmed), as well as senior representatives from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (TBC), and the Department of Finance – Regulatory/APS Reform Section (confirmed).
Registrations close COB Friday 26 July 2024.
Accord members login to register. Don’t have a login, contact Steph
Online Insight Hours
Insight Hours are a member-only offering, featuring topical presentations on a range of issues and trends relevant to our membership.
Accord Members can access past available Insight Hours on demand via our website.
Sector Roundtables
These sector-specific roundtables are a fantastic opportunity for members to discuss the current operating environment and priority issues for their sectors. Watch this space for upcoming roundtables in 2023!
Industry Briefing & AGM
Date: Wednesday 22 May 2024
Time: 9.30am – 1.30pm AEST
Where: Chifley Business & Events Centre, Sydney
Missed the event? The presentation slides are available via the members’ area of the Accord website. Don’t have a login? Contact Steph
Join us in Sydney for a morning of networking and education at the Accord Industry Briefing & AGM!
Industry Briefing Programme
- Paul Bloxham, Chief Economist for Australia, New Zealand and Global Commodities for HSBC with a post-budget economic update and financial year outlook
- Chris Foley, CEO of the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation on packaging challenges facing both regulators and industry in Australia
- Linda Romanvoska, Partner at RSM Australia on getting your business ready for mandatory climate reporting
- Shannon Coombs, President of the Canadian Consumer & Specialty Products Association with a sustainability update from the Canadian perspective, including post-consumer waste recovery initiatives
- Accord’s Directors will also provide an advocacy update, a summary of Accord’s recent achievements and key priorities moving forward.
Regulatory Basics Training
Date: Thursday 29 February 2024
Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm AEDT
Where: Online via MS Teams
Missed this training? The recordings are available on demand from members’ area of the Accord website. Don’t have a member login? Contact Steph
Accord is once again offering our ever-popular Australian Regulatory Basics training. This training aims to provide an introductory overview of the Australian chemical regulatory system that affects the hygiene, personal care and specialty products sectors.
This full day training is being offered free online, only to Accord Members.
The training will deliver:
- an explanation of the broad structure of the Australian regulatory system impacting our sector,
- a brief overview of some key regulations, their purpose and their impact, and
- hints to assist regulatory professionals further their regulatory knowledge.
New regulatory professionals, or those that wish to expand their regulatory knowledge into different product regulations within the sector, would benefit from this training.
Canberra Day 2023
Canberra Day, with a big difference!
- Industry Leaders’ Networking Dinner: Wednesday 6 September, 7.00pm | The Boat House, Grevillea Park, Menindee Dr, Barton ACT 2600
- Canberra Day Seminar: Thursday 7 September, 9.00am | East Hotel 69 Canberra Avenue, Kingston, ACT 2604
Each year, Canberra Day brings together government and industry for valuable updates and discussions on the policy and regulatory reform landscape affecting the hygiene, personal care and specialty formulated products industry that Accord represents.
But Canberra Day 2023 will be a Canberra Day with a big difference!
For the first time, Industry Leaders from the hygiene, personal care and specialty products industry will showcase our industry to government. The Industry Showcase will provide an opportunity to demonstrate the essentiality of our industry’s products across every facet of daily life, our industry’s commitment to go ‘beyond compliance’ and positively contribute on important social and environmental issues, and how industry association membership is an important indicator of responsibility and a commitment to excellence. It will also be an important opportunity for our industry to communicate some of the challenges facing companies doing businesses in Australia and the impacts of these.
Canberra Day will, as in past years, also include timely policy and regulatory updates from government to our industry. Invited government speakers include representatives from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, the TGA and the Simplified Trade Systems Implementation Taskforce. Full program information coming soon.
Industry Briefing & Annual General Meeting
Join us in Melbourne for the Accord Industry Briefing & AGM!
Please see event schedule below:
- Networking Industry Leaders’ Dinner with special guest Prof John Skerritt (outgoing head of the TGA): Tuesday 30 May, 6.30pm | Le Meridien Melbourne, 20 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000
- Industry Briefing & AGM: Wednesday 31 May, 9.30am -1.30pm (including lunch) | EY Offices, Level 23 , 8 Exhibition Street Melbourne
Industry Briefing Programme
- Cherelle Murphy, Chief Economist for EY Oceania, will present a post-budget economic update and financial year outlook.
- Professor Mark Taylor, Chief Environmental Scientist for Environment Protection Authority Victoria, will provide an update on contemporary environmental issues and relevant policy priorities on the horizon for EPA Victoria.
- Andrew Davies, CEO for B Lab Australia & New Zealand, will present on B Corp Certification; what it is, the certification process and what it demonstrates in terms of a company’s social and environmental impact.
- Marc L’Huiller, Partner – Customer Strategy & Insights Lead for EY Oceania, will present on current consumer trends and provide insights from EY’s latest consumer research from their surveys that run every 8 weeks.
- Accord will also provide an advocacy update including our new strategic framework, a summary of Accord’s recent achievements and key priorities moving forward.
Accord members login to register. Don’t have a login, contact Steph
Sustainability Seminar
Date: Thursday 23 March 2023
Time: 9.30am – 1.30pm (including lunch)
Where: Business Sydney, Level 23 45 Clarence Street Sydney, NSW 2000
Cost: $150 + GST & Booking Fee | Register
Open only to Accord members and members of the Australian Society of Cosmetic Chemists. Accord members can register via the link below; ASCC members, contact for the registration link.
In the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer, Business was once again found to be the most trusted institution. But with high trust comes great expectations, with companies expected to do more, not less, on sustainability and climate change issues.
Coupling this with the spate of recent negative media surrounding take-back schemes and collected materials being warehoused rather than recycled, companies need to be realistic and transparent about their sustainability targets and practices. It’s better to be upfront about where you are on your sustainability journey, and strive for improvement, than to be caught out misleading customers and consumers.
Similarly, the ACCC has made greenwashing a compliance priority area, so it’s not just reputational damage that’s at stake if a business is engaged in false and misleading claims.
Join us for this special Sustainability Seminar as we deep dive into current sustainability drivers, best practice and potential solutions for a range of key issues impacting the hygiene, personal care and specialty products sectors.
Confirmed speakers:
- Tom Robinson, CEO of Edelman Australia. Tom will be speaking on the results of the 2023 Trust Barometer, including the findings on business needing to do more on societal issues, its role in strengthening social fabric, as well as the ways business has sustained, and can continue to do so, its trust advantage.
- Nicholas Heys, Director, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. Nicholas will be speaking on the initial findings of the ACCC’s greenwashing compliance sweep.
- Ashleigh Burnham, Head of Sustainability Leadership & Transformation, Edge Impact. With over a decade’s experience in sustainability strategy, reporting and communications, Ashleigh helps organisations define their sustainability ambitions and bring them to life, to create the next wave of sustainability leaders.
- Accord Australasia – The Accord leadership team will be speaking on the challenges and opportunities for our industry sectors, what Accord is doing to promote the positive steps already taken by our sectors to governments and learn about potential Association and industry-led initiatives to drive further sustainability improvement.