The Annual Report 2022-23
This report covers the period 1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023, and sets out the key achievements and work areas of our association.
In addition to showcasing the significant achievements of Accord over the reporting period, this Annual Report focuses on the essential nature of the entire breath of hygiene, personal care and specialty products – the vital boost to personal and community wellbeing that each and every one of our industry’s products delivers.
While acknowledging that over-regulation of low-risk products and certain unique Australian regulatory requirements that are not fit for purpose remain both a challenge and an opportunity for our sectors, the Report highlights our culture of collaboration, good governance and continuous improvement, along with our commitment to work effectively with governments and other stakeholders to drive positive change.
The Report also introduces our refreshed Strategic Plan, developed after a comprehensive review by the Accord Board of Directors. This new framework sets the stage for Accord to add even more value for our member companies and reinforce our commitment to driving industry productivity, innovation and CSR.
The strategic plan is built upon four pillars that will guide our efforts and shape our future direction:
- Social & Environmental Sustainability
- Advocacy & Partnerships
- Member Value
- Industry Productivity & Innovation
View the Report Highlights
Our Members
Accord’s Member companies are leading businesses ranging from large multinational firms to smaller Australian-owned enterprises; local manufacturers to product importers. Our valued Associate Members are companies that provide specific services and expertise for our industry.
Our Products
Our industry’s products are essential for everyday living. Each day across the nation in homes, public places, commercial premises, institutions, industry and agriculture, our industry delivers effective solutions that promote health protection, and add value, convenience and comfort to daily life.
Message from the Chair
Good governance remains key to meaningfully advancing our industry, the economy and the national interest
Over my last five years as Chair of Accord Australasia, I have been privileged to see both our industry and our association jointly performing at their best. Whether it be working in partnership to meet the many challenges and uncertainties that loomed large during the height of the COVID times. Or simply getting on with the job of building and implementing new initiatives and partnerships to advance our industry’s sustainability goals.
Our latest Annual Report tells the story of these efforts.
It highlights the important foundation stones for the resilient but forward-looking approach displayed by our industry and Accord, as its peak advocacy body: our culture and governance.
This was put on display in the Board’s development of the latest Accord Strategic Plan during the year. As the Accord Board Chair, I deeply appreciate the commitment and diligence of my fellow directors in upholding our positive culture and steadfast governance. I remain impressed at how my fellow directors wholeheartedly embrace their role in advancing the entire, diverse industry Accord represents when coming together as a Board to set the association’s strategic direction—especially recognising that all directors are industry leaders in their own right, busily running their own companies of varying sizes and with their own business models, products and supply channels.
Message from the Executive Director
Time for some focused policy action to stem our nation’s declining productivity.
Accord’s late 2022 refresh of the EY-Accord State of the Hygiene, Personal Care & Specialty Products Industry Economic Report reconfirmed our industry as the 17th largest industry sector in Australia.
It was again gratifying to see the significant economic contribution of our industry’s products up and down the supply chain—from manufacturing or importation through to wholesaling and then retailing.
The simple fact is, if you removed our sector’s products and all their related commercial activity from the economy, it would come at the cost of an estimated 72,585 jobs and $3.5bn in wages. A considerable hole that only tells part of the story, given the essential nature of most hygiene and personal care products for public health protection.