‘What’s in it?’ provides consumers with ingredient information to aid choice and enhance confidence in household products.
‘What’s in it?’ covers household cleaners, laundry products, household floor maintenance products, air care products and automotive cleaners.
Leading companies have embraced ‘What’s in it?’, with approximately 79%* of all products on the Australian market in the above categories covered by ‘What’s in it?’.
This industry initiative has helped Australian consumers make more informed choices about the products they use in their households since July 2011.
‘What’s in it?’ complements Australian’s strong system of product ingredient safety regulation, with household cleaning products on the Australian market regulated for safety via a number of independent, expert Australian government regulatory regimes.
Click here for links to all participating companies’ ingredient information.
Click here for more information or contact Accord on 2 9281 2322 or emifsud@accord.asn.au
*Based on figures from Retail World Annual Report 2015